
I am a warrior.

I am a survivor.

I am an advocate.

I am a writer.

I am a communicator.

I am not my heart condition because I feel like I am much more. 

In 2013, I was told that my congenital heart defect (Ebstein Anomaly) had taken a toll on my heart and that surgery was not only recommended but urgent and required. My parents, granting my wish, supported my decision not to keep my anomaly a secret. They let me tell my story as best I knew how to educate others while rallying support for my journey. This page became the meeting place for my crew, me, my team, and the thousands that offered prayers and good vibes and motivated me to keep going. Thank you for being here. Today, almost ten years after my surgery, I share more than just my heart condition because I AM more than just my heart condition, as are many others born with congenital heart defects like mine.

This site is an extension of everything I do. I hope you enjoy it here and stick around because I sure have plans to be around for a long time.